Monday, December 7, 2015

22 Things To Start Doing Now That Will Improve The Rest Of Your Life

I read a very good article. Final exam week, my mood is almost gone haywire.
Indeed, to Allah I rest my usaha and doa..
May everything will be fine. Amin.

So, here's the article, so that I can look to again whenever I need it.

1. Exercise. And if you can, exercise in the morning. This helps in so many ways. It will help you sleep better at night and be more alert during the day. It will help wake you up in the morning by getting your blood flowing. It will help to sharpen and focus your mind. It will help relieve stress. There are just so many benefits.
2. Don’t say “I’ll do it tomorrow” or “I don’t have time.” Tomorrow tends to be the imaginary land that never arrives, and 95-99% of the time when people say “I’ll do it tomorrow” or “I don’t have time” it really means “I’d rather just be lazy.”
3. Don’t make excuses. Just do it. If there is something that you want to do, whether it is just something that you think would be fun, a new experience, or something to better yourself then do it. This sort of goes with point #2. If you’re making excuses then all that means is your really don’t want it that badly.
4. Read books. Get off the internet. Stop reading pointless 3 paragraph articles and read something substantial. It will help expand your vocabulary, it will open your mind, it will inspire real thinking and creativity, and more.
5. Make sure you understand your credit score.
6. Save money. Be aggressive about it. In the next 5-10 years, you’ll probably be extremely happy that you did so.
7. Don’t hold grudges. Do not harbor hate. It takes a lot of energy to be mad at people so don’t bother. Just let things go. And if someone continues to inspire these bad feelings in you, then let them go. It’s that simple.
8. Laugh and smile. Always. Having a bad day? First, Smile. A big one. Ear to ear. Force it. Smiling doesn’t just happen when you are happy, but it always happens to make you happier. It’s scientifically proven. Then go to YouTube (I know earlier I said get off the internet, but laughter is a necessity.), look up a funny video or your favorite comedian and just laugh. Just let go. It’ll help.
9. Stop and smell the roses. It’s good to want to better yourself, but you also need to know when to take time for yourself and relax. Let your batteries recharge.
10. Be thankful and grateful. Sometimes it can be hard in the moment to realize that you actually have it pretty good, but every now and then just stop and think about everything that you have in your life. There is always someone who has it worse so you should be happy that you have what you have. It’s also good to want to be better and to not just accept things for what they are, to challenge the status quo, but at the same time if you are always surging forward and you never stop to appreciate what and who is around you then one day when you finally do stop, you may realize there’s nothing left.
11. Be charitable. Not just with your money or your time, but with who you are. Being charitable isn’t just about giving when it makes sense, it’s about being the type of person who will go out of their way to help the old woman cross a slippery, snow covered street. It’s about tipping the waitress even when she was bitchy because maybe she’s just having a really bad day. It’s about smiling at that person across from you on the bus who looks upset, maybe even ask them if they need to talk. It’s about giving that kid who won’t stop asking for a job a chance even though their resume doesn’t look that great.
12. Be selfish. Sometimes. This may sound contradictory, but hear me out. Sometimes you just need to ignore everyone else, and step away from the world for you. Go on that ski trip. Get yourself those shoes. That might sound vain, but you know what, if you don’t have a healthy mind and a healthy body then how will you help others to do so?
13. Keep your phone in your pocket when with friends and family. Enjoy your time with them. You can always use technology, you won’t always have time with your loved ones.
14. Don’t be shy. Talk to people. Don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation with strangers. What’s the worst that will happen? They’ll ignore you? Be rude? So what? You don’t ever have to talk to them again. Not only will this teach you not to be afraid of rejection, but it will teach you how to network, be personable, read people, and maybe meet some really great people.
15. Listen. When someone is talking to you, LISTEN. Don’t just think about what you are going to say, but really listen to what they are saying. Then when they are done you can take a second to think about what you want to say.
16. Be yourself, but don’t be an A-Hole. Never be afraid to be who you are. Don’t worry about other people’s BS opinion of you. Enjoy life and yourself. If people don’t like you for who you are then you don’t need them in your life. Simple as that. At the same time, if everyone you meet seems to think you’re an A-Hole, maybe you should take a step back and re-evaluate yourself.
17. Travel. If you can, travel. It’s a great thing to do. It can open you up to so many things that you will never experience in your own little corner of the world. Whether that be lifestyles and culture you could never have imagined, seeing nature in a new light, or giving you the shocking realization that there is something horribly wrong with the balance of power and wealth in this world. Traveling can lead to some great introspection and thought provoking experiences.
18. Be open minded. You don’t know it all. You never will. You also couldn’t possibly understand everything so be aware of that.
19. Love like a puppy. Don’t be afraid to let others in. Love unconditionally. If your heart gets broken, it will heal, and you will learn. But do not let it close you. At the same time, make sure that just because you love so openly that you don’t let others walk all over you. You can leave someone behind who treats you wrong, but still have a strong love for them. A lot of us have experienced that.
20. Ask why and be curious. Why is one of the single most powerful words we have as humans. It can open so many doors and lead to so much knowledge. Next time someone tells you something, instead of just accepting it, ask why. Dig deeper. Learn.
21. Follow your passions and your dreams. Do what you love and what you enjoy. Don’t settle. Not for a job. Not for a spouse. Not for anything. If you believe that you are capable of more, then go for it, but don’t forget to keep at least 1 toe on the ground so that you don’t lose everything great that you may already have.
22. Be a child. This is a culmination of many of the previous pieces of advice. Being a child means to love like a puppy. You open your arms with a blissful ignorance. You travel wherever you go, looking at things with a curiosity unmatched by any adult. You see things in a creative light and let your imagination run wild. When you’re in a taxi, you’re not just on your way to work avoiding traffic, you’re avoiding the bad guys and on a mission to save the world. You don’t judge. You don’t assume. You just accept. You listen and you learn, so intensely that others may assume you had no idea they were talking to you, but one day you’ll repeat what they said and surprise them. You ask why because you want to truly understand. You are yourself because you haven’t yet learned how to be anything but yourself, but at the same time your imagination will allow you to be and do anything you can dream. As a child, you are often selfish, but at the same time often so surprisingly giving because you don’t like to see others sad. You laugh and smile often because there’s not much else that feels better than that. You save your money, your pennies and your quarters go into the piggy jar because one day, you know you’ll buy something big. Each day is new and exciting. You don’t make excuses for not doing something because you don’t have any, when there is something you want to do, something you dream of, you go for it because you haven’t been told you can’t. You don’t understand that others might believe it’s impossible. You just be the best version of yourself because that is how life should be.
Now, I understand some may read all this and think, “Wow, this A-Hole lives in a fantasy land.” And you’re right. I do. Those who know me can attest, I believe I’m capable of anything. I hate to fail because I think I shouldn’t.
Some people think I’m too cocky, but that’s not exactly it. It’s that I believe there can be more. I believe very strongly in the quote “He who says he can, and he who says he can’t are both usually right.”
I actively try to live as I have mentioned above, and while it may be overly optimistic and sugar coated, I understand that life can be hard, but it doesn’t mean that you have to let it bring you down. Those people who you read about, those people who live on past their death through their legacies, those people, they believed in more. They believed that they could be more. They didn’t believe in giving up. They weren’t afraid to fail because all they could see was themselves past the finish line in a future where the world was a better place or where they reached their goal, and the only reason anyone else can’t be like that… is because they are holding themselves back.
If you’re not happy with your life. If you’re not happy with where you’re at. Then make a change. You can do it. You just need to believe.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

I just love this

clouds, blue, and purple image

Advice from an 80 year old man............

Am entering winter now. The season of lights, christmas tree, cold and duvet. It is the season for self reflection as well bcoz 2015 has almost over. And I should think of what have I achieve. Am I a better person than before or am I just the same person or worst case, am I has becoming worse? That, I should ponder by myself.

1. Have a firm handshake.
2. Look people in the eye.
3. Sing in the shower.
4. Own a great stereo system.
5. If in a fight, hit first and hit hard.
6. Keep secrets.
7. Never give up on anybody. Miracles happen everyday.
8. Always accept an outstretched hand.
9. Be brave. Even if you're not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference.
10. Whistle.
11. Avoid sarcastic remarks.
12. Choose your life's mate carefully. From this one decision will come 90 per cent of all your happiness or misery.
13. Make it a habit to do nice things for people who will never find out.
14. Lend only those books you never care to see again.
15. Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all that they have.
16. When playing games with children, let them win.
17. Give people a second chance, but not a third.
18. Be romantic.
19. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.
20. Loosen up. Relax. Except for rare life-and-death matters, nothing is as important as it first seems.
21. Don't allow the phone to interrupt important moments. It's there for our convenience, not the caller's.
22. Be a good loser.
23. Be a good winner.
24. Think twice before burdening a friend with a secret.
25. When someone hugs you, let them be the first to let go.
26. Be modest. A lot was accomplished before you were born.
27. Keep it simple.
28. Beware of the person who has nothing to lose.
29. Don't burn bridges. You'll be surprised how many times you have to cross the same river.
30. Live your life so that your epitaph could read, No Regrets
31. Be bold and courageous. When you look back on life, you'll regret the things you didn't do more than the ones you did.
32. Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them.
33. Remember no one makes it alone. Have a grateful heart and be quick to acknowledge those who helped you.
34. Take charge of your attitude. Don't let someone else choose it for you.
35. Visit friends and relatives when they are in hospital; you need only stay a few minutes
.36. Begin each day with some of your favourite music.
37. Once in a while, take the scenic route.
38. Send a lot of Valentine cards. Sign them, 'Someone who thinks you're terrific.'
39. Answer the phone with enthusiasm and energy in your voice.
40. Keep a note pad and pencil on your bed-side table. Million-dollar ideas sometimes strike at 3 a.m.
41. Show respect for everyone who works for a living, regardless of how trivial their job.
42. Send your loved ones flowers. Think of a reason later
.43. Make someone's day by paying the toll for the person in the car behind you.
44. Become someone's hero.
45. Marry only for love.
46. Count your blessings.
47. Compliment the meal when you're a guest in someone's home.
48. Wave at the children on a school bus.
49. Remember that 80 per cent of the success in any job is based on your ability to deal with people.
50. Don't expect life to be fair

It's good to be reminded. So that you dont question things negatively and just try to learn from them. 

6day before winter exam then, I am off to Belgium =)


Sunday, October 18, 2015


Being a medical student, you will be facing with lots of anxious moments.

I always do.

Exam in 7 days and I think I am about to lose my mind.

Just kidding, I will survive.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Me and procrastination


I am the type of person who develops all sort of interests when I am busy. So a couple of days ago, I redecorated my room. I am an acceptable weirdo, who cares =P

I used to had this giant 'The Fault in Our Stars's poster on the right corner of my bed, (yeah, I am a fan of John Green's books and quotes)

But I got bored recently when I supposed to focus on my upcoming exams which is 10 days away from now,

So here I present you my new comfy bed. teheeee~
I actually went to IKEA dublin and bought that blue star wall lamp thingy. HAHA, and I bought new curtains, in which represented
my love for colors. And it's green! So refreshing, I feel like waking up everyday in the middle of the forest LOL

Bagi can lah, lama kot nak dok Ireland nih, so curtains are necessities okay =D

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Classes resume and I was so tired yesterday, as soon as I performed Magrib prayer, I started blinking due to difficulty to open my eyes.

Though many works were still undone on my table, I decided to sleep really early which was at 9 pm. Then I was off to dreamland..

Hoping that it was a good one but it wasn't

It was so real like I felt like crying as soon as I woke up.

I dreamed of the person that I love so dearly and whom I know will always love me, left me..

Istighfar banyak kali lepas bangun, glad that it was just one nightmare that I wish I'd never had.

Sebabnya tido before solat Isyak. Nasib baik tak terlajak sampai ke Subuh.

A dreamcatcher besides my bed works its magic as deco only =)

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Growing up

Adult life. Where u are the one who has to make decisions regardless what risks will come later on. I am 22 years old this year, and I think I have familiar myself with the world I am about to enter. A new world where parents are no longer have every responsibility to say and ask because you are the one who are going to face all the consequences of what might be.

Am I scared? Of course. Sape tak cuak bila everything is on you kan. No one is going to do it for you. So it's about you against the world.

What am I babbling about memalam buta ni?

5 hours of lectures back to back tomorrow with no gap. Serve me right. Haha.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

zero procrastination

Did I ever mention that my resolution this sem is to ban procrastination? 

I keep saying and telling myself not to procrastinate but I am still doing it. Huh.

Dah la Syi, go finish your piles of tasks. 

p/s: we had to find a new housemate, so, yeah, we found her. But the bad news is her name is SHIFA! I know! We differ by an alphabet, I hate it so much that I'm going to refer myself just as Syi after this =(

My kelas mengaji

I should give name to my kelas mengaji. Well, we just call them as 'junior boys' class, but that is not so catchy right?

Probably 'Cheeky Class' suits them better.

As we have very naughty Nadjmi who is the troublemaker, baca muqaddam laju je part yang dia dah ingat, but bila sampai part yang dia tak ingat terus slow-mo haha, He is so mischievous, always try getting hints during exams from me, loves to sneak out from the class by saying he really has to go to the toilet but he really doesn't.

 then we have our very brainy, dedicated, mr-always-right Faris who is a younger brother for Nadjmi, mudah sangat ingat and faham anything that he learn. He is also quick-wittted, whenever I tersasul or use the wrong example, he will question me right away.

Last but not list we have Danish, his name reminds me of my very own nephew, Danish is easily distracted, whenever Faris and Nadjmi were talking. But he is the eldest in the group. He always quiet at the beginning of the class but will reveal his real self after few minutes later. A chinese-looking boy who is very fond of cake. He has so many stories to tell though his story sometimes very random.


I should start to list everything about them because one of the things that makes my life in Cork colorful is them =)

Sunday, September 27, 2015


"Cepat gak sikit. Aloh selow lah weh"

Pase (or his real name is Fariz) only can smile for his acknowledgeable slowly-tying-shoe-laces attitude.

"Lebih dari anok daro, paka kasut pon selow,"

I was finishing my 'bebelan' to Pase at Dzar's house so early in the morning. If it wasn't for we (there were Nisa, Bo, and Mail as well) had been in the same boarding school/class for 5 years, he would take my nagging personally.

But he wasn't. 

Because I nag to someone I am close with. 

If I am so behaved and polite when talking to you, you can get the hint that we are not close yet.

p/s: Did I ever mention that I am Kelate originated? 

p/s: Only about thousand times

I dont really have anything in mind

Do you ever need a reason to be suddenly gloomy?


''You are a woman"

Perempuan dan sudden emo, berpisah tiada. alahai...

Sunday, September 20, 2015

10 years


It has been 2 weeks since classes started. And here it was weekend again (I'm talking about 2 days ago) So,, my high school classmates in Faris Petra came to Ireland and as a host, it was my responsibility to act as a tour guide for them here in Cork.

Luck was not on our side because it had been raining for days, so my plan to take them to one of the attractions in Cork was terminated.. Then I just took them for UCC tour. I knowwwwwww... I should had done better. I mean, UCC is so cantekkk but that was not enough. You didn't come for thousand miles just to took a picture at someone's else alma mater =( Luckyly I masak nasi kerabu for them, so my guilt was not as terrible as it should be.

Ok, the story above was about the previous weekend. Nak dijadikan cerita, for them, I have to go to Dublin for some of the reasons that gonna be long if I push myself to explain.

I never am a awkward cookie when I am with my high-school friends. Maybe because we are so close that we all lived in the boarding school for five years and we had shown all of our colors to each other. We slept in the class/labs, we were scolded in front of each other when we failed to answer some maths questions, we're getting pinched by cikgu Mukhtar before his class started for the same reason (not able to answer maths questions), we stayed up late during prep malam because we had to wait for our friend's copying our answers after a long holiday (sharing is caring), we pinched each other just to make sure we're awake during kelas sejarah or PAI,

That's why we are so comfortable with each other till now. it has been 5 years now that we left school, and our friendship last for 10 years, (i hope this bond will never be broken), we still the same people we used to know back then. All the jokes mean no harm, we understand each other on the weirdest possible conversation, yet we are still cool like that. Some are getting maried, and I of course still dedicated with my relationship with med school, but I will pray that each every one of us (Faris Petra batch 0610) will be granted lots of happiness and blessings from Allah swt no matter what path we are on. High school will always be my favorite and I am not too sure if I will able to move on =')

some of us =)

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Bye Syirah

Helo hai.

Syira was my housemate. She is gentle, loving, mother-like appearance, loves to clean kitchen, speak with so lembut voice, caring and has a very kind heart.

She loves to buy things to other people as appreciation. Once I asked her, "Kenapa syira selalu hadiahkan things kat orang lain ek?" and she replied, "Syira tak pandai nak express my thankfulness to other people dengan words, so, itu cara Syira tunjukkan rasa sayang kat orang"

And today, 15th of September 2015, she went home (Malaysia) for good. Benar orang cakap, kita takkan pernah tahu what had Allah plans for us. Tapi we must always know that His plans are never ever wrong or tersasar walau seinci pun. So beruntung lah bagi orang yang redha dan always seeks for His blessings.

What is good for syira is in Allah's view. That I know for sure. It is hard to let Syira go, but I will always pray that our paths may intersect again somewhere in the future. Amin.

Syifa will miss u Syira. Now the bedroom besides mine has emptied. And it does feel strange.

"...Yesterday's gone, we're gonna keep moving on, I am so thankful for the moment, so glad I got to know you...."

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Farmers' Market: one sunny weekend

So, basically the tittle directly tells everything. I arrived in Cork about a week ago. So, before the classes started, I decided to breathe a fresh air at Cork City Center. Just kidding, I have some groceries shopping to do.

There's usually an empty space in front of my favorite coffee shop, Costa, however, when I passed the place, it was so crowded almost like there was a concert held in the middle of the road. Ok mungkin tak da lah concert, macam ramai sangat pulak orang luls.

So many people gather di tengah-tengah balai si bawah sinaran terik mentari. Gituh. So, due to my curiosity, I went to see what was happening. Rupa-rupanya ada farmers' market. Farmers' market ni ala-ala pasar tani kalau nak compare dengan yang kat Malaysia.

So many fresh products like veges, fruits, breads and makanan (tak semua halal dimakan) can be found in farmers' market. They also have samples for us to try ^^ and we tried some delicious, crispy homemade chips. Sodapp.

This stall sells vegetarian food, so basically, if you want to buy them, you must make sure that they do not contain any alcohol. We never know kan, better beware!

Veges yang kiut, They looked like they were picked as soon as they mature.

Fresh breadssss! Tak ke rasa macam fresh breads from the oven dalam cerita Cinderella 2: Dreams Come True waktu Anastasia fell in love with bread maker? =P

Berries berries everywhere. And jams.

After touring the farmers' market, we decided to treat ourselves with crispy chips yeay

And I snap the picture of Shah and pakcik chips sedang beurus niaga sambil disaksikan Yaa. Lols

Till then, lovelies =3

p/s: my classes had started 2 days ago. And I am still going strong. Yeahh!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Jet lag

I don't usually experience jet lag. But this time, I have to admit that it really hit me hard.
Bayangkan, I was having my normal morning, read and cook, since my classes tak start lagi, and I went to the shopping mall in front of my house for an hour, lepas tu, dalam pukul 1pm I was home again, but all of sudden I felt so sleepy like crazy that I couldn't help myself to take a nap. I slept with my hoodie and jeans on, luckily I managed to take off my hijab first. And little did I know, I slept for 12 hours during the daylight and waking up at 1 am the next day. Gila kan?? Frankly speaking, I  tak tersedar lansung bila by housemates balik ke rumah ke dorang sesembang next door ke. Apparently my nap just now was not a nap. And now, I am writing this blog in the middle of the night when everyone else in their dreamland. Haha.

So who need a hug? Female only. =P

Back in Cork for another year

The day had come where I am back as a student again like literally. Because we are all always a life-learner kan. So yeah its 15 hour journey to the west again (though xdak lah sampai ke US kan)

1st Sept 2015, MAS had rebrand themselves as MAB. Hence explains the chaotic KLIA with people with traditional clothes at the center of departure hall. My umi and abah came along with me all the way from Kota Bharu to Kuala Lumpur just to send their precious daughter on a jet plane.. (okay, this make me homesick..) Thank you Umi, Abah and Abangman as well =') I promised I will study really hard and get 1st honors in every exams. Amin.

And yeah, I had teh ais at the cafeteria before I took the escalator down to international departure hall.Waving the loved ones are always difficult. I hate saying goodbyes, especially to those I know that they love me dearly. Semoga Allah jagakan my parents for me for another 9 months till I return home again during the summer next year. Amin ya rabbal alamin.

I always supported MAS as I never took other airlines whenever I travel from or to Cork. They should give me credits for this. Tehee.

Pros with MAS
1. Price is affordable
2. Lots of exciting movies on-board
3. Friendly crews
4. Quite flexible in term of baggage allowance. Yeah.
5. You feel like home though you are somewhere in the sky.

1. The MH16 to Schipol Airport Amsterdam is somewhat always old. I dont mind kapal terbang lama ke baru ke as long as the facilities are the BOMM! But, some of the meja for you to eat dah terabut skru and moves to side way. So, when you want to have your meal, it's quite annoying.

12 hours and 15 minutes journey is a long journey. I was so unlucky that I got the middle seat of all 26F. So, it was quite challenging for me to get out for a toilet break or to ambil wudhu to perform prayers. Therefore gais, always aim for the aisle seat. That's my advise laa.

 I had this fish in black sauce with rice for dinner.

And Nasi Lemak sambal udang for breakfast.

My flight yesterday collaborated with KLM which is a dutch airline, so there're lots of mat salleh, and when this happened, usually what's left for you to for a meal was makanan ketimuran lah. Well, I dont mind pun.

Subhanallah. I was mesmerised by the beauty of the sky. It was so mind-soothing =)

After 12 hours more and less, we touched down at Schipol Airport Amsterdam. Transit dalam 3 jam. Then I was off with Aer Lingus (Irish airline) to my beloved city Cork. The journey lasted for 1 hour and 10 minutes lebih kurang.

And finally, here I am again. Hopefully my recharging days in Malaysia for 3 months will help me to go through this tough medicine journey for 9 months insyaAllah. I am so ready and I am happy to start. Lets go!!

HOME SWEET HOME. 56 Wilton Court, Cork, Ireland =)

Till then, Lovelies <3

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Spread Happiness

It is a chain reaction no?
Macam dapat pahala berterusan. Imagine that!

Between two genders

I has never been in a serious relationship between two genders before. I dont even know what it is called. But I feel so blessed because I have a happy family =) And I got friends that I know them so well that they will cry for me first if I ever tell them anything sad or bad  had occurred to me.

I couldn't wish for more. I will regard myself as an ungrateful person if I still desperately looking for something that I have already possess but still wanting for more.

So, here is something from me to you =)

I hope that everyone whoever accidentally read my blog will always be positive and healthy =)

Life is too short to stress out over something even though you're a medical student especially over something that you cannot control pun.

Till then, Lovelies =)

Stay Strong NII

One of my friend is currently in this battle.
I pray that Allah will eases whatever way she decide to take.
Because He will never let us, His slaves, fighting in a battle alone.

And for you, NII, whom I know you well, who always seeks His guidance first in everything that you do., Allah swt is always with you. Just don't give up.

Mr Diy in Kota Bharu!

Hi! Its been a while kan?

Actually I am busy with buying things for me to take with to Ireland because I'll be leaving in two days time. Time flies, To be exact, I spent 3 months and 8 days in Malaysia for my summer holiday. I must say that I am so happy to recharge myself with the shower of family's loves and supports in order for me to face a nine-months medical days in a foreign country. Lepas tu our connection would be skype and whatsapp je.

For this post, I will share about a shop named MR DIY. It's a kedai with lots of interesting stuffs. At least for me it is very interesting =) since I am really fond of decorative stuffs, room-makeover stuffs something like that. Mr DIY dah ada kat Kota Bharu even though this was my first time knowing the shop, so, I am not too sure how familiar people from other negeri know about this shop.

Kota Bharu's Mr Diy

Anyway, I do know Daiso, and that was the feel when I entered Mr Diy "Wah!! Macam kat Daiso lah!!" The products sold there are so cheap it make you wanna cry of joy =')

Rambang mata masuk Mr Diy! So many things to grab but so little time (because I'll be leaving to Ireland in few days time, so tak sempat menjelajah thoroughly. LOL)

What I managed to buy from there are

Keyboard stickers!

Note book

Usb for phone and straps to secure wires ( I however advise you not to buy the cable for iphone/ipad because it wont work on apple products due to its 'uncertified Apple cable', I bought one and it's a waste. Lucky that it doesn't cost a lot)

Laptop's bed-table

Others are penyanngul rambut ala-ala stewardess, shoelaces, earphones, painting kits, aux cable, and many more (banyak kan I beli haha)

I bought so many random things because I am so jakun when I stepped into the kedai.

Their opening hours are from 10am-10pm daily. So worry not my friend, you can visit them everyday if you want.

So, tu je, I will promote things that I like. Sharing happiness. Gituh.

Till then, Lovelies <3

Saturday, August 22, 2015

One more post

Okay I promise this is the last one for tonight and I'll be off to bed since I have to pick up my nephew, Danish, at his house early in the morning tomorrow. And we're going to be spending a fun day tomorrow though I have no plans yet.

Anyhow, this is one of the wishes (fairy-tale wishes) that I have in me, although I am positive that I'll never ever can fulfil it due to respectful opinions of mine. So, it is to dye my hair completely silver in color.

I am not a T.O.P bias but, look at his hair =') I am so in love <3

I fell in love for the first sight with Haruma Miura when I first saw him in Koizora.

If I am about to ask my mother about dyeing (inai) my hair silver, I believe she would say

 "Tunggu nanti beruban lah nak kaler rambut putih gak"
then I go "its silver! not putih"

No, I'm just kidding =P

Till then, lovelies.

Snowflakes downpour

Although I am still in Kelantan, Malaysia (my hometown, my life, my tanah tumpah darahku)
I already get the 'homesick' vibe especially when Corkonians starting to leave Malaysia one by one and posted their bidding farewell pictures at KLIA.

I wish for european weather but I do not want to leave home. Well, this is what they said, love is hard. You wouldn't possibly get all the things you love, hence, you need to sacrifice. Aduh, peritnya hatiku pabila memikirkan pemergian ku ke tanah eropah pada minggu hadapan. Aduh aduh sayang.

Hopefully my teardrops won't be as lebat as this snowfalls. Of course lah tak, I macho ok (T.T *menangis dalam hati)

Ok lah, why am I so gloomy ni? I should live my life to the fullest since I have 10 days more (or nine) in Malaysia kan. Jom kita tukar lagu dari Flashlight from Jessie J to Bang Bang Bang by Big Bang. Nah amik kau. Culture shock ke tidak? Hahaha

It's okay people, I am still holding up to my utmost sanity.

Till then, lovelies <3

I got all I need when I got you and I

Oh hi! 

There're will be days where I am in a mood to post things twice (or thrice) a day. So brace yourself!
Since I am going to leave my summer vacay (home is a type of vacation for me), I will share what did I do during my summers.

Well, one of the agendas happened when I was home was I went on a strict diet for a month. I'd been gaining weight ever since I left high school (damn!!!)
And it was during Ramadan. I ate so little that I couldn't believe myself. And after a month, I lost a total of 5 kg without even exercising. That was a lot for me. I just reduced the amount of food intake, no eating after 8pm, no caffeine intake, and drank lots of plain water. It worked I tell you! 

And I stopped dieting for a while to enjoy my stay in Malaysia but I make sure to not gain any. And I will continue dieting for a year in Ireland for the sake of my health and to become a beautiful bride (hehehe). We'll see how it goes.

I think I learnt a lot from my past years living that DO NOT OVERDO THINGS. Dulu, when I love to eat something, I definitely want to have some more continuously. It is not good. Bukannya I will never eat them again pun. It just,,, well, bad habit. I should stop and yakin yang I can eat them again some other times. Other than that (cehhhh macam buat essay LOL) eating slowly is one way you can feel kenyang and definitely eating less. Make sure not to eat when you are in hurry, but grab your food, put them in your bag, then eat when you have settle down. Eating quickly is bad for digestion and you will cepat rasa lapar afterwards. 

Drink plenty of water! Drink! Hydrate! Rehydrate! Plain water is zero calorie! Okay, not just it is zero calorie, it also can help the transportation of oxygen throughout your whole body. Nothing wrong with drink plenty of plain water (except for it makes you visit the loo more often) So jangan malas minum air! Ada tau orang yang malas minum air ni! (me....) 

Well, I'm writing these whole things as a reminder for myself. I hope for a healthier me. Kata nak jadi doktor, kalau diri sendiri tak sihat, how can I consult my patients later kan? 

I will constantly update my weight loss challenge here. If my diet plan succeed, I hope other people can try them too. So we all can be kurus together =P 

But the most important thing is STRONG DETERMINATION. Let us all posses this quality in us. Amin.

Pardon my everlasting love for fairilights and inspirational quotes.

Till then lovelies <3

Friday, August 21, 2015

10 days till ADIOS

I have been on my summer holiday in Malaysia for more than 3 months now.
I will be leaving to Cork Ireland on 1st of Sept, which was too close that I couldn't imagine.
Well, having sleeping for luxurious 9 hours everyday is a bad habit that I must change when I am back as a medical student again. Sigh.

Having said that, nowadays, I'd been out like almost everyday. Meeting with friends, eat every single food that I wouldn't possibly able to eat in Ireland and meetings with families. Spending my last bit of momentary heaven, I hope for full energy to gear up my new semester soon. InsyaAllah.

I hope all you have a wonderful day too =)

Till then lovelies <3

Thursday, August 20, 2015

My very first post

This is my second blog.

So I would like to say hi!
Name: Syifa
I am still a student. Resides in Cork, Ireland.
I'm not sure if I will write in here often or rarely. But this is my escapism. Whenever I need a break from studying or whenever I have something to share. I'll be here.

Till then, lovelies =)