Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Bye Syirah

Helo hai.

Syira was my housemate. She is gentle, loving, mother-like appearance, loves to clean kitchen, speak with so lembut voice, caring and has a very kind heart.

She loves to buy things to other people as appreciation. Once I asked her, "Kenapa syira selalu hadiahkan things kat orang lain ek?" and she replied, "Syira tak pandai nak express my thankfulness to other people dengan words, so, itu cara Syira tunjukkan rasa sayang kat orang"

And today, 15th of September 2015, she went home (Malaysia) for good. Benar orang cakap, kita takkan pernah tahu what had Allah plans for us. Tapi we must always know that His plans are never ever wrong or tersasar walau seinci pun. So beruntung lah bagi orang yang redha dan always seeks for His blessings.

What is good for syira is in Allah's view. That I know for sure. It is hard to let Syira go, but I will always pray that our paths may intersect again somewhere in the future. Amin.

Syifa will miss u Syira. Now the bedroom besides mine has emptied. And it does feel strange.

"...Yesterday's gone, we're gonna keep moving on, I am so thankful for the moment, so glad I got to know you...."

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