Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Classes resume and I was so tired yesterday, as soon as I performed Magrib prayer, I started blinking due to difficulty to open my eyes.

Though many works were still undone on my table, I decided to sleep really early which was at 9 pm. Then I was off to dreamland..

Hoping that it was a good one but it wasn't

It was so real like I felt like crying as soon as I woke up.

I dreamed of the person that I love so dearly and whom I know will always love me, left me..

Istighfar banyak kali lepas bangun, glad that it was just one nightmare that I wish I'd never had.

Sebabnya tido before solat Isyak. Nasib baik tak terlajak sampai ke Subuh.

A dreamcatcher besides my bed works its magic as deco only =)

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