Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Farmers' Market: one sunny weekend

So, basically the tittle directly tells everything. I arrived in Cork about a week ago. So, before the classes started, I decided to breathe a fresh air at Cork City Center. Just kidding, I have some groceries shopping to do.

There's usually an empty space in front of my favorite coffee shop, Costa, however, when I passed the place, it was so crowded almost like there was a concert held in the middle of the road. Ok mungkin tak da lah concert, macam ramai sangat pulak orang luls.

So many people gather di tengah-tengah balai si bawah sinaran terik mentari. Gituh. So, due to my curiosity, I went to see what was happening. Rupa-rupanya ada farmers' market. Farmers' market ni ala-ala pasar tani kalau nak compare dengan yang kat Malaysia.

So many fresh products like veges, fruits, breads and makanan (tak semua halal dimakan) can be found in farmers' market. They also have samples for us to try ^^ and we tried some delicious, crispy homemade chips. Sodapp.

This stall sells vegetarian food, so basically, if you want to buy them, you must make sure that they do not contain any alcohol. We never know kan, better beware!

Veges yang kiut, They looked like they were picked as soon as they mature.

Fresh breadssss! Tak ke rasa macam fresh breads from the oven dalam cerita Cinderella 2: Dreams Come True waktu Anastasia fell in love with bread maker? =P

Berries berries everywhere. And jams.

After touring the farmers' market, we decided to treat ourselves with crispy chips yeay

And I snap the picture of Shah and pakcik chips sedang beurus niaga sambil disaksikan Yaa. Lols

Till then, lovelies =3

p/s: my classes had started 2 days ago. And I am still going strong. Yeahh!

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