Saturday, August 29, 2015

Spread Happiness

It is a chain reaction no?
Macam dapat pahala berterusan. Imagine that!

Between two genders

I has never been in a serious relationship between two genders before. I dont even know what it is called. But I feel so blessed because I have a happy family =) And I got friends that I know them so well that they will cry for me first if I ever tell them anything sad or bad  had occurred to me.

I couldn't wish for more. I will regard myself as an ungrateful person if I still desperately looking for something that I have already possess but still wanting for more.

So, here is something from me to you =)

I hope that everyone whoever accidentally read my blog will always be positive and healthy =)

Life is too short to stress out over something even though you're a medical student especially over something that you cannot control pun.

Till then, Lovelies =)

Stay Strong NII

One of my friend is currently in this battle.
I pray that Allah will eases whatever way she decide to take.
Because He will never let us, His slaves, fighting in a battle alone.

And for you, NII, whom I know you well, who always seeks His guidance first in everything that you do., Allah swt is always with you. Just don't give up.

Mr Diy in Kota Bharu!

Hi! Its been a while kan?

Actually I am busy with buying things for me to take with to Ireland because I'll be leaving in two days time. Time flies, To be exact, I spent 3 months and 8 days in Malaysia for my summer holiday. I must say that I am so happy to recharge myself with the shower of family's loves and supports in order for me to face a nine-months medical days in a foreign country. Lepas tu our connection would be skype and whatsapp je.

For this post, I will share about a shop named MR DIY. It's a kedai with lots of interesting stuffs. At least for me it is very interesting =) since I am really fond of decorative stuffs, room-makeover stuffs something like that. Mr DIY dah ada kat Kota Bharu even though this was my first time knowing the shop, so, I am not too sure how familiar people from other negeri know about this shop.

Kota Bharu's Mr Diy

Anyway, I do know Daiso, and that was the feel when I entered Mr Diy "Wah!! Macam kat Daiso lah!!" The products sold there are so cheap it make you wanna cry of joy =')

Rambang mata masuk Mr Diy! So many things to grab but so little time (because I'll be leaving to Ireland in few days time, so tak sempat menjelajah thoroughly. LOL)

What I managed to buy from there are

Keyboard stickers!

Note book

Usb for phone and straps to secure wires ( I however advise you not to buy the cable for iphone/ipad because it wont work on apple products due to its 'uncertified Apple cable', I bought one and it's a waste. Lucky that it doesn't cost a lot)

Laptop's bed-table

Others are penyanngul rambut ala-ala stewardess, shoelaces, earphones, painting kits, aux cable, and many more (banyak kan I beli haha)

I bought so many random things because I am so jakun when I stepped into the kedai.

Their opening hours are from 10am-10pm daily. So worry not my friend, you can visit them everyday if you want.

So, tu je, I will promote things that I like. Sharing happiness. Gituh.

Till then, Lovelies <3

Saturday, August 22, 2015

One more post

Okay I promise this is the last one for tonight and I'll be off to bed since I have to pick up my nephew, Danish, at his house early in the morning tomorrow. And we're going to be spending a fun day tomorrow though I have no plans yet.

Anyhow, this is one of the wishes (fairy-tale wishes) that I have in me, although I am positive that I'll never ever can fulfil it due to respectful opinions of mine. So, it is to dye my hair completely silver in color.

I am not a T.O.P bias but, look at his hair =') I am so in love <3

I fell in love for the first sight with Haruma Miura when I first saw him in Koizora.

If I am about to ask my mother about dyeing (inai) my hair silver, I believe she would say

 "Tunggu nanti beruban lah nak kaler rambut putih gak"
then I go "its silver! not putih"

No, I'm just kidding =P

Till then, lovelies.

Snowflakes downpour

Although I am still in Kelantan, Malaysia (my hometown, my life, my tanah tumpah darahku)
I already get the 'homesick' vibe especially when Corkonians starting to leave Malaysia one by one and posted their bidding farewell pictures at KLIA.

I wish for european weather but I do not want to leave home. Well, this is what they said, love is hard. You wouldn't possibly get all the things you love, hence, you need to sacrifice. Aduh, peritnya hatiku pabila memikirkan pemergian ku ke tanah eropah pada minggu hadapan. Aduh aduh sayang.

Hopefully my teardrops won't be as lebat as this snowfalls. Of course lah tak, I macho ok (T.T *menangis dalam hati)

Ok lah, why am I so gloomy ni? I should live my life to the fullest since I have 10 days more (or nine) in Malaysia kan. Jom kita tukar lagu dari Flashlight from Jessie J to Bang Bang Bang by Big Bang. Nah amik kau. Culture shock ke tidak? Hahaha

It's okay people, I am still holding up to my utmost sanity.

Till then, lovelies <3

I got all I need when I got you and I

Oh hi! 

There're will be days where I am in a mood to post things twice (or thrice) a day. So brace yourself!
Since I am going to leave my summer vacay (home is a type of vacation for me), I will share what did I do during my summers.

Well, one of the agendas happened when I was home was I went on a strict diet for a month. I'd been gaining weight ever since I left high school (damn!!!)
And it was during Ramadan. I ate so little that I couldn't believe myself. And after a month, I lost a total of 5 kg without even exercising. That was a lot for me. I just reduced the amount of food intake, no eating after 8pm, no caffeine intake, and drank lots of plain water. It worked I tell you! 

And I stopped dieting for a while to enjoy my stay in Malaysia but I make sure to not gain any. And I will continue dieting for a year in Ireland for the sake of my health and to become a beautiful bride (hehehe). We'll see how it goes.

I think I learnt a lot from my past years living that DO NOT OVERDO THINGS. Dulu, when I love to eat something, I definitely want to have some more continuously. It is not good. Bukannya I will never eat them again pun. It just,,, well, bad habit. I should stop and yakin yang I can eat them again some other times. Other than that (cehhhh macam buat essay LOL) eating slowly is one way you can feel kenyang and definitely eating less. Make sure not to eat when you are in hurry, but grab your food, put them in your bag, then eat when you have settle down. Eating quickly is bad for digestion and you will cepat rasa lapar afterwards. 

Drink plenty of water! Drink! Hydrate! Rehydrate! Plain water is zero calorie! Okay, not just it is zero calorie, it also can help the transportation of oxygen throughout your whole body. Nothing wrong with drink plenty of plain water (except for it makes you visit the loo more often) So jangan malas minum air! Ada tau orang yang malas minum air ni! (me....) 

Well, I'm writing these whole things as a reminder for myself. I hope for a healthier me. Kata nak jadi doktor, kalau diri sendiri tak sihat, how can I consult my patients later kan? 

I will constantly update my weight loss challenge here. If my diet plan succeed, I hope other people can try them too. So we all can be kurus together =P 

But the most important thing is STRONG DETERMINATION. Let us all posses this quality in us. Amin.

Pardon my everlasting love for fairilights and inspirational quotes.

Till then lovelies <3

Friday, August 21, 2015

10 days till ADIOS

I have been on my summer holiday in Malaysia for more than 3 months now.
I will be leaving to Cork Ireland on 1st of Sept, which was too close that I couldn't imagine.
Well, having sleeping for luxurious 9 hours everyday is a bad habit that I must change when I am back as a medical student again. Sigh.

Having said that, nowadays, I'd been out like almost everyday. Meeting with friends, eat every single food that I wouldn't possibly able to eat in Ireland and meetings with families. Spending my last bit of momentary heaven, I hope for full energy to gear up my new semester soon. InsyaAllah.

I hope all you have a wonderful day too =)

Till then lovelies <3

Thursday, August 20, 2015

My very first post

This is my second blog.

So I would like to say hi!
Name: Syifa
I am still a student. Resides in Cork, Ireland.
I'm not sure if I will write in here often or rarely. But this is my escapism. Whenever I need a break from studying or whenever I have something to share. I'll be here.

Till then, lovelies =)