Saturday, July 23, 2016

My Lasik Eye Surgery Pengalaman


I know I haven't write in this often so, I try to make it up by starting to post something beneficial, insyaAllah starting from today.

My summer holidays has almost ended. I only have one month left. T.T
So, I really want to make each day counts.

Hence, I came up with the title. Here it goes. I flew back to Malaysia on 25th of May 2016, and after 20 hours of journey-transits, I reached Kota Bharu, tanah tumpah darahku on the 26th. Alhamdulillah.

And on 28th, I flew back to KL, because our flight to Egypt was on 29th in the morning. Can you sympathise me with the determination? I didn't even allow myself to experience jetlag.

And we reached Egypt safely. Me, my umi, kakcik and makcikNa.

I did my lasik surgery at Egypt, to be exact at Cairo. On 31st of May, the day came, I feel super super nervous. To be honest, I am very penakut when it comes to jumpa doctors, have check-ups etc. So the thought of I-need-to-do-lasik gave me a huge fright. I never want to wear contact-lenses because I am so afraid of putting things in my eyes. And I have no issues of wearing spectacles. At all.

But I decided to do this because of my abah. He really want to do it but he couldn't because of the same reason as mine as well as he said he is too tua. Orang tua memang kena pakai specs.. (what?...) And he paid my flight ticket to Egypt so, I should at least to this kan? Besides, I am a healthy, strong, confident woman (sedapkan hati)

Anyway, before the day of the operation, I went to the clinic the day before, it was to check semua pasal my mata, what power, how is my cornea, basically whether I am layak to do lasik. And it just simply macam check-up to do specs kat kedai. Nothing fancy. And of course, they told me that I am absolutely layak to do lasik.

The next day, we came to the clinic early in the morning. And Umi, Kakcik and I were asked to get ready in our white operation gowns with the blue-shower/operation-caps. Boleh imagine kan? Alaa macam orang nak masuk surgery. No electronic devices were allowed to enter the operation room. Then, we were asked to wait on the large massage chairs in the waiting room. Until, my mom's name was called first. I asked Umi whether she is afraid, and she said no. Well Umi memang berani sokmo. I am the scaredy cat. Umi entered the operation room first, I can only do a faking smile thinking of my turn is next.

After ten minutes, time passed by while Kakcik and I calmed ourselves down, Umi went out from the operation room with a nurse holding her hand. And she didn't even glance at me. Before anything else happen, I heard another nurse called out my name. There, I left to enter the operation room with heavy steps.

As I entered the operation room, I can see there were three nurses and a male doctor already sat comfortably berhadapan dengan katil patient, ready to start his task. The middle-aged doctor greeted me cheerfully and asked me to lie down on the operating bed. So I did. As I made myself comfortable, he asked me whether I can speak either arabic or english? So I said English. And he started talking about the procedures. At that moment, I can't really brain what exactly he was saying due to his arabic-english accent and maybe simply because I was not on my right mind. But suddenly I heard he said "different", and I quickly asked for the justification.

Doc: Nur, your surgery would be quite different from your mother just now. But it's okay. This one is better for you.
Me: What do you mean 'different'?
Doc: Well, your mother did a normal lasik surgery, but yours is LPE (I am not sure about this abbreviation, pardon) Just because your cornea is too thin, so we cannot perform normal lasik.
Me: errrrr,,, (I lost for words) is this safe?
Doc: (laugh) yes yes, it is better for you to do this one, we're going to put artificial layer on your cornea first, only then we do the laser. Okay?
Me: (seriously masa ni I just cant berfikir dengan normal. What do you expect, I dah terbaring kat katil tu, and I have to dongak to see the doc's face when he is explaining all of this. So I just say yes)
Doc: Good, during surgery you wont barely feel pain, only after the surgery the pain will come, and it is quite painful. But no worries, I will give you the painkiller. (laughing)

Masa tu I was like "Ya Allah, I trust you, and You are the solely Protector.

The surgery started with my right eye. I was asked to open my eyes besar-besar and to fix my stare at the red circle above me. Oh! The climax was they clipped my eyes with pengepit mata so that I wont blink during the lasering. I am sorry to say that it was so sakit but bearable. Before lasering, they put several solutions in my eyes. During laser, I can feel something enter my eyes, macam bunyi semut yang dekat dengan telinga. "nyenyenyenn....." lebih kurang. And oh, I can smell that my cornea/eyes burning. Bau hangit-hangit camtu. It was not painful but after few minutes, like 3 minutes maybe, it was almost done. And at one point, suddenly mata you lose sight for few seconds. Everything was white but jangan panic just yet, because you will regain your eyesight back. After the laser thing, they cleaned my eye, as they put several solutions in it and lastly put lenses in it. The same process applied to the left eye. So duration was mungkin 10 to 15 minutes.

Then kami pun balik, with mata merah. We were asked to just sleep for the whole day after the surgery. We also need to wear sunglasses whenever we went out to protect our eyes from the blazing sunlight and debu debuan. The doctor gave the prescription for us to buy medication at the pharmacy.

Normal lasik would take only two days for you to be able to look clearly without specs. But in my case, the 3rd day after surgery, when my sister and mother can already see clearly, I was still struggling to see things. So I panic. Really panic. I went back to the clinic, only then I was informed the recovery period for the surgery  that I had was in 1 to 3 months time. Jahat kan doctors arab ni? Dah la informed my surgery lain from other people masa I dah terbujur lemah longlai atas katil like 3 minutes before surgery. But here I must say, dorang just want the money. If they informed me about the different surgery that I should take earlier, I might reconsider of doing lasik. Ye la, I cuti balik Malaysia sekali setahun for 3 months je, takkan I nak berkabur mata for the only 3 months I cuti? Pardon me for being maybe tak husnudzon but I was so pissed off.

There goes my Egypt holiday. I cannot even get a clear sight of pyramid gyza though it was just in front of me. So I was reallyyyyy sad...

Remember the lenses they put in my eyes  after laser? My mom and sister didn't own them in their eyes, it was just me. After five days, I went to the clinic to take them off. The doctor used macam penyepit kecik to take them out. Tak sakit put but yeah nerve-wrecking jugaklah. When I had the lenses in my eyes, my eyesight was rather kabur like macam pakai cermin mata yang banyak dust tak berlap. Kelabu je. But after they took them off, it was alhamdulillah clear sikit but still I cant read texts on my phone.

Painful ke tak? I cerita yang I felt je lah ek. My mom said it was not painful at all to her. But for me, the doctor had warned me that after the surgery the pain gonna hit me. And yes he was absolutely right. Sakit ya Allah. Sakit waktu tu macam rasa hingga ke otak. Like something, huge thing compressed your brain. I even took analgesics to sleep because it was really painful. The pain hit me for three days and it went away.

Now it has been two months after I did my lasik. Alhamdulillah, my eyesight is getting better. I need to be really grateful. Allah swt has taken a bit of my eyesight when I was eleven but He returned it again twelve years later. Betapa Allah swt sayangkan hamba-hambaNya. Always remember that!

I hoped my experience helps those who yang mahu buat lasik or bakal buat lasik. You'll be fine too insyaAllah =)


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