Sunday, October 18, 2015


Being a medical student, you will be facing with lots of anxious moments.

I always do.

Exam in 7 days and I think I am about to lose my mind.

Just kidding, I will survive.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Me and procrastination


I am the type of person who develops all sort of interests when I am busy. So a couple of days ago, I redecorated my room. I am an acceptable weirdo, who cares =P

I used to had this giant 'The Fault in Our Stars's poster on the right corner of my bed, (yeah, I am a fan of John Green's books and quotes)

But I got bored recently when I supposed to focus on my upcoming exams which is 10 days away from now,

So here I present you my new comfy bed. teheeee~
I actually went to IKEA dublin and bought that blue star wall lamp thingy. HAHA, and I bought new curtains, in which represented
my love for colors. And it's green! So refreshing, I feel like waking up everyday in the middle of the forest LOL

Bagi can lah, lama kot nak dok Ireland nih, so curtains are necessities okay =D

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Classes resume and I was so tired yesterday, as soon as I performed Magrib prayer, I started blinking due to difficulty to open my eyes.

Though many works were still undone on my table, I decided to sleep really early which was at 9 pm. Then I was off to dreamland..

Hoping that it was a good one but it wasn't

It was so real like I felt like crying as soon as I woke up.

I dreamed of the person that I love so dearly and whom I know will always love me, left me..

Istighfar banyak kali lepas bangun, glad that it was just one nightmare that I wish I'd never had.

Sebabnya tido before solat Isyak. Nasib baik tak terlajak sampai ke Subuh.

A dreamcatcher besides my bed works its magic as deco only =)

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Growing up

Adult life. Where u are the one who has to make decisions regardless what risks will come later on. I am 22 years old this year, and I think I have familiar myself with the world I am about to enter. A new world where parents are no longer have every responsibility to say and ask because you are the one who are going to face all the consequences of what might be.

Am I scared? Of course. Sape tak cuak bila everything is on you kan. No one is going to do it for you. So it's about you against the world.

What am I babbling about memalam buta ni?

5 hours of lectures back to back tomorrow with no gap. Serve me right. Haha.